
Absorption lines of the cornea have been described under various names in the foreign literature, especially by German<sup>1</sup>and English<sup>2</sup>ophthalmologists. I have found reported in the American literature only 1 case in which the condition may be of this nature, and that appeared before the use of the slit lamp. The condition is rare enough and interesting enough to warrant report and review with the purpose of giving it a definite clinical name and identity. <h3>REPORT OF A CASE</h3> Mrs. L. S., aged 34, was seen at Dr. Fletcher's clinic at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in October 1938, at which time she presented herself for examination for glasses. She stated that the vision of her right eye had been poor since the age of 10 years following some inflammatory lesion of this eye and also that some scarring was visible. There had been no

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