
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are a group of phytotoxins widely present in about 3% of flowering plants. Many PA-containing herbal plants can cause liver injury. Our previous studies demonstrated that PA N-oxides are also hepatotoxic, with toxic potency much lower than the corresponding PAs, due to significant differences in their toxicokinetic fates. This study aimed to investigate the oral absorption of PAs and PA N-oxides for better understanding of their significant differences in toxicokinetics and toxic potency. The oral absorption of PAs and PA N-oxides in rats and in rat in situ single pass intestine perfusion model was investigated. The intestinal permeability and absorption mechanisms of five pairs of PAs and PA N-oxides were evaluated by using Caco-2 monolayer model. The plasma concentrations of total PAs and PA N-oxides within 0-60min were significantly lower in rats orally treated with a PA N-oxide-containing herbal alkaloid extract than with a PA-containing herbal alkaloid extract at the same dose, indicating that the absorption of PA N-oxides was lower than that of PAs. Using the rat in situ single pass intestine perfusion model, less cumulative amounts of retrorsine N-oxide in mesenteric blood were observed compared to that of retrorsine. In Caco-2 monolayer model, all five PAs showed absorption with Papp AtoB values [(1.43-16.26)×10-6cm/s] higher than those of corresponding N-oxides with Papp AtoB values lower than 1.35×10-6cm/s. A further mechanistic study demonstrated that except for senecionine N-oxide, retrorsine N-oxide, and lycopsamine N-oxide, all PAs and PA N-oxides investigated were absorbed via passive diffusion. While, for these 3PAN-oxides, in addition to passive diffusion as their primary transportation, efflux transporter-mediated active transportation was also involved but to a less extent with the efflux ratio of 2.31-3.41. Furthermore, a good correlation between lipophilicity and permeability of retronecine-type PAs and their N-oxides with absorption via passive diffusion was observed, demonstrating that PAs have a better oral absorbability than that of the corresponding PA N-oxides. We discovered that among many contributors, the lower intestinal absorption of PA N-oxides was the initiating contributor that caused differences in toxicokinetics and toxic potency between PAs and PA N-oxides.

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