
Absorbable versus non absorbable suspintion suture in patient with obstructive sleep apnea up to the best of our knowledge, there is no evidence knowledge comparing absosbable suture and non absorbable suspintion suture.in patient with obstructive sleep apnea compare between absorbable versus non absorbable suspintion suture in patient with obstructive sleep apnea. A prospective randomized clinical study carried out in benha university hospital from november 2018 to august 2019. Included 36patients who underwent sleep surgeries; anteriore platoplasty .hyoid expantion patients were allocated into tow groups; a, b,). The groups(a) absorbable suspintion sutura compared non absorabable suspintion suturae in patient with osa, regardling the apne hypopnea index(ah) snoring score epworth scaling scale(epss) pain score and satistifacion of the patient.mean pain score was significantly lower in-group a and higher in-group b snoring score give more significant increase ingroup a more than group b .and lowest oxygen saturation incrase significant after absorbable suture groupa more than non absorbable suture groupb,in this study, postoperative pain scores significantly decreased after 1 week postoperative when compared with that reported in the 1st day and pain was controlled by oral analgesic only in first days. Regarding the epss values, they showed significant improvement after absorbable sutures and after non-absorbable sutures .both absorbable and non-absorbable suspension sutures are safe, fast, have low cost, easily applicable and effective procedures for treatment of osa.both absorbable and non absorbable sutures resulted in significant improvement of objective and subjective parameters in patients with osa.

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