
The article is devoted to the critical understanding of the general theoretical foundations of the concept of human rights.
 It was found that human rights are not «natural and inalienable». The authors say that the appearance of the concept of human rights only in the epoch of the bourgeois revolutions in Europe indicates the non-universal character of human rights and the violent way of their affirmation. It was emphasized that taking into account the variety of theories of the origin of the state and of the main modern concepts of the state, human rights, which are closely connected only with the theory of the legal state and the civil society, may not be recognized as the only one true super-idea and super-value. It is noted that the historical experience of the existence of the privileged and oppressed population strata in the pre-modern era proves that a person can exist without formal confirmation of all the fullness of his rights, and this fact indicates that human rights are determined by the factors of historical development, and not by their «natural, eternal and inalienable character».
 The authors show the controversial character of human rights as well as the contradiction of their absolutization to the main features of the objective law. The authors say that different political ideologies (liberalism, conservatism and socialism) differently evaluate the human rights due to that circumstance that they reflect the interests of the different social classes and appear on the different stages of the social development, so, firstly, internal inconsistency is characteristic to the concept of human rights and, secondly, human rights depend on the level of the material and spiritual development of the society and state.
 The authors pay attention to the variety of ideas about the essence, content and consequences of the social contract and a certain limitation of the «natural freedom» of a person under the conditions of state existence. It was noted that the absolutization of human rights is the result of an uncritical perception of some provisions of the theory of the social contract, and not only does not reflect the multifaceted nature of its provisions, but also completely ignores other theories of origin and the main modern concepts of the state. The authors say that human rights are derived from the level of material and spiritual development of society, therefore, for an adequate understanding of their essence, it is necessary to take into account the historical and general theoretical regularities of the formation and functioning of political and legal phenomena, which testify that, in fact, the scope and content of human rights in a certain era directly depend on the will of the state, etc.

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