
The constructive or destructive spectral interference between the molecular groups oriented up and down at the interface in the sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectra provides a direct measurement of the absolute orientation of these molecular groups. This simple approach can be employed to interrogate absolute molecular orientations other than using the complex absolute phase measurement in the SFG studies. We used the CN group in the p-cyanophenol (PCP) molecule as the internal phase standard, and we measured the phases of the SFG fields of the CN groups in the 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-benzonitrile (35DMHBN) and 2,6-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-benzonitrile (26DMHBN) at the air/water interface by measuring the SFG spectra of the aqueous surfaces of the mixtures of the PCP, 35DMHBN, and 26DMHBN solutions. The results showed that the 35DMHBN had its CN group pointing into the aqueous phase; while the 26DMHBN, similar to the PCP, had its CN group pointing away from the aqueous phase. The tilt angles of the CN group for both the 35DMHBN and 26DMHBN molecules at the air/water interface were around 2545 from the interface normal. These results provided insights on the understanding of the detailed balance of the competing factors, such as solvation of the polar head groups, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic effects, etc., on influencing the absolute molecular orientation at the air/water interface.

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