
The basic result of Oka theory, due to Gromov, states that every continuous map $f$ from a Stein manifold $S$ to an elliptic manifold $X$ can be deformed to a holomorphic map. It is natural to ask whether this can be done for all $f$ at once, in a way that depends continuously on $f$ and leaves $f$ fixed if it is holomorphic to begin with. In other words, is $\scrO(S,X)$ a deformation retract of $\scrC(S,X)$? We prove that it is if $S$ has a strictly plurisubharmonic Morse exhaustion with finitely many critical points; in particular, if $S$ is affine algebraic. The only property of $X$ used in the proof is the parametric Oka property with approximation with respect to finite polyhedra, so our theorem holds under the weaker assumption that $X$ is an Oka manifold. Our main tool, apart from Oka theory itself, is the theory of absolute neighbourhood retracts. We also make use of the mixed model structure on the category of topological spaces.

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