
Abstract Absolute dipole oscillator strengths (cross section) have been obtained for valence shell photoabsorption (7–100eV) and a variety of partial photoionization (11–40 eV) processes in gaseous HBr. Partial dipole oscillator strengths are reported for the formation of the X 2 Π, A 2 Σ + and B 2 Σ electronic state of HBr + as well as the respective photoelectron branching ratios. The photoelectron binding energy spectra show clear evidence of many-body effects in photoionization to the B 2 Σ state of HBr + with the ionization oscillator strength divided over many bands as predicted by many-body Green's function calculations. Partial dipole oscillator strengths are also reported for molecular ion formation as well as for all dissociative ionization processes. The measurements have been made by the dipole (e,e) (e,2e) and (e,e + ion) methods, which respectively provide quantitative measurements of photoabsorption, photoelectron spectroscopy and photoionization mass spectrometry at continuously tuneable energies. The measurements of dipole oscillator strengths for production of electronic states of HBr + are combined with those for molecular and dissociative photoionization. These, considered together with the ionization and appearance potentials, provide a quantitative dipole breakdown picture for the ionic photofragmentation pathways of HBr in the energy region up to 40 eV.

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