
Objective: This study aims to determine al-Ṣafadī’s position on the issue of abrogation (naskh) in the Holy Qurʾān and to present his textual and rational evidence for his position. Methodology: The study used an inductive approach for selecting relevant material from al-Ṣafadī’s Kashf al-asrār and an analytical method for examining his evidence and interpretations. Results: The study yielded several results: al-Ṣafadī believes that abrogation only applies to rulings found in texts antedating the Qurʾān by whose rulings they are replaced. Now even if al-Ṣafadī allows in principle for the abrogation of one Qurʾānic text by another, he finds its abrogation of rulings in other revealed books more relevant and appropriate. Originality: The scientific value of this study lies in the fact that al-Ṣafadī’s commentary on the Qurʾān is considered the first integral commentary to address the issue of abrogation from the perspective of those who reject its occurrence in the Qurʾān. This study may also be regarded as the first to address this issue in the Kashf al-Asrār.

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