
We study the structure, abrasive and gas-abrasive wear resistances of electric-arc coatings from fluxcored wires of domestic and TAFA, Praxair, EnDoTec DO, and Castolin-EuTronic leading foreign companies at room and elevated temperatures. It is shown that the wear resistance of the coatings sprayed from two heterogeneous flux-cored wires is twice higher than the wear resistance of ShKh15 steel in tests with fixed abrasive due to its elevated cohesive strength, low level of residual stresses, and high hardness. It is discovered that, in tests with nonfixed abrasive, a coating obtained from the EnDoTec DO*390N flux-cored wire has the highest wear resistance due to the presence of tungsten, vanadium, and niobium carbides in its charge. It was established that, at room temperature, the gas-abrasive wear resistance of the coatings remains equal to the wear resistance of 12Kh1МF steel or is much lower than the wear resistance of steel. As the temperature increases over 400°С, the gas-abrasive wear resistance of the coatings increases due of the formation of oxides of various compositions.

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