
In the context of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) and the international effort to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, a reliable assessment of aboveground forest biomass is a major requirement. Especially in tropical forests which store huge amounts of carbon, a precise quantification of aboveground biomass is of high relevance for REDD activities. This study investigates the potential of X- and L-band SAR data to estimate aboveground biomass (AGB) in intact and degraded tropical forests in Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Based on forest inventory data, aboveground biomass was first estimated using LiDAR data. These results were then used to calibrate SAR backscatter images and to upscale the biomass estimates across large areas and ecosystems. This upscaling approach not only provided aboveground biomass estimates over the whole biomass range from woody regrowth to mature pristine forest but also revealed a spatial variation due to varying growth condition within specific forest types. Single and combined frequencies, as well as mono- and multi-temporal TerraSAR-X and ALOS PALSAR biomass estimation models were analyzed for the development of accurate biomass estimations. Regarding the single frequency analysis overall ALOS PALSAR backscatter is more sensitive to AGB than TerraSAR-X, especially in the higher biomass range (> 100 t/ha). However, ALOS PALSAR results were less accurate in low biomass ranges due to a higher variance. The multi-temporal L- and X-band combined model achieved the best result and was therefore tested for its temporal and spatial transferability. The achieved accuracy for this model using nearly 400 independent validation points was r² = 0.53 with an RMSE of 79 t/ha. The model is valid up to 307 t/ha with an accuracy requirement of 50 t/ha and up to 614 t/ha with an accuracy requirement of 100 t/ha in flat terrain. The results demonstrate that direct biomass measurements based on the synergistic use of L- and X-band SAR can provide large-scale AGB estimations for tropical forests. In the context of REDD monitoring the results can be used for the assessment of the spatial distribution of the biomass, also indicating trends in high biomass ranges and the characterization of the spatial patterns in different forest types.

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