
The article defines the essence of the state cluster policy of the Russian Federation as a federal state, analyzes the regulatory, conceptual, strategic, organizational and methodological documents that formed the basis of the mechanism of its implementation; the fact is noted that the regulatory and legal support of cluster policy, the mechanisms of its organizational, methodological and information support implemented in the Russian Federation in the field of cluster construction, developed taking into account both foreign experience and the peculiarities of the domestic cluster model, most of which are related to national priorities and institutional foundations that have developed in our country, including within its Soviet period. the evaluation of the practical implementation of cluster policy for the period 2009-2022 was carried out. Special attention is paid to the evaluation of the functioning of the mechanism for supporting industrial clusters, as well as to the justification of the need to transition the traditional linear model of the innovation process implemented in cluster structures and focused on supply in the system "research - transfer - technology - use" to a nonlinear model that provides for close functional interconnectedness, interdependence, integration interaction of all cluster participants and orientation innovation on demand. in addition, new conceptual and methodological aspects of the development of modern clusters as complex dynamic network-type systems are considered, which have the properties of ecosystems, where legally independent partners (ecosystem participants, clusters) develop relationships within the framework of interactive collaboration, while relying on a common strategy, common identity, common obligations, interactive coordination of their current actions and opportunities based on the use of common platforms. the article also assesses Russia's place in the Global Innovation Index - 2022 and the possibilities of industrial and innovation clusters to contribute to increasing the innovative potential of the national economy and ensuring its sustainable economic growth.

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