
During the Great Patriotic War, defenders of the Motherland showed unprecedented heroism. The Soviet people, both at the front and in the rear gave himself without reserve to fight against fascism. Give his life for his family, friends and loved ones is only capable of such a person who has a great love of the property. Article relates to humanitarian and pedagogical sciences, in particular the field of and moral foundations of education of youth in state and municipal institutions, namely for teaching the subject spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. The purpose of the article - the and moral education of citizens and approved by the society of traditional orthodox moral principles and values, rethinking exploit people-winner in the Great Patriotic War. The article describes the sayings and discourses about the commandments of love and bliss, as well as grace. In the main scripture of all Christians - the Bible, but rather the New Testament are instruction of Jesus Christ of love and bliss, which is developed, customized, clarified and explained to his followers - the apostles and saints. Also given and discussed the commandments of God the Son - Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of Matthew and Mark said commandments Jesus Christ Himself, and Luke the question of Jesus Christ uttered their lawyer, which are similar in meaning. The Apostle Paul, writing gave an explanation of the Ten Commandments of God's Law that Moses brought to the world. Stated that they are the commandments of mutual love. Are almost all statements about love from the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Also, practically all statements about the love of the Epistles of the Apostles (John, Paul, Peter, James). Listed statements about the love of God (Heavenly Father) to Jesus Christ. Noted the peculiarity set out the commandment to love the Apostle John on the other Evangelists. He also pointed to the maximum degree (bar) love, it becomes possible to give his soul for the favorite. That is, in other words - is the willingness to die for the love object. In addition, given all the excerpts from the Gospel of the Beatitudes, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of the Apostles and Revelation (Apocalypse). In Scripture, showed signs of love and criteria, the definition of love, a few definitions of God and its inherent qualities that resonate closely with the fruits of the spirit. Indicated on the mediator between God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. Shows the relationship of love and commandments of the Beatitudes, as well as love and faith are indicated towards love. Excerpts listed on the attitude to the prophets of students and teachers, and others. Formulated conclusions logically explaining that a high level of love results in grace - the crown of glory. We also give an overview of the statements of the grace of the New Testament.

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