
The relevance of the systems approach in the science of language in recent decades has led to the popularity of studying complex units of the word formation system (word-formation pairs, type, paradigm, chain, nest). The article is devoted to the description of the word-formation chain as a syntagmatic derivational structure organized by the stepped formation of each derivative in a certain word-formation way. The phenomenon of through-the-stepped word formation is described, which results in omission of a motivating lexeme and indicating the incompleteness of the derivational chain. The paper lists the criteria for typing and abstraction of word-formation chains within the LSG of emotive verbs. According to the degree of abstraction the hierarchy of derivational chains is presented: specific, typical, categorical word-formation chains. The author of the article draws attention to the need to single out an even more typified association of word-formation chains, based on the equal-thematic nature of word-formation meanings – supercategorical word-formation chains. These structures represent an invariant derivational model typing categorical derivational chains of one LSG. The paper notes the need to highlight such abstracted word-formation models as a means of ordering the derivational system of the language.

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