
The epizootic situation of cattle helminthiasis in Georgia has been studied with regard to housing systems. At present, in Georgia, in conditions of grazing of cattle, the epizootic situation on helminthiasis is caused by five diseases that are laboratory diagnosed by the methods of helminthoscope. These are paramphystomy, fascioliasis, dicroceliosis, intestinal strongyloses and dictiocaulosis, the causative agents of which were infested 2019 heads of 2990 examined. The extensiveness of invasion in the Republic was 67.5%, in Eastern Georgia – 55.8%, in Western Georgia – 79.9%.It also turned out that paramphystomas and fascioliasis are widespread in Georgia. The extensis invasion with paraphystomas was 59.7%, with fasciols 21.5%. In Eastern Georgia, these figures were equal, respectively, to 45.4 and 15.9%, in Western Georgia – 74.9 and 27.3%. The most unfavorable epizootic situation in paramphystomas and fascioliasis was established in the coastal zone of the Black Sea (Western Georgia), where 86.9 and 35.3% of the cattle were respectively infested by their pathogens.As for the invasion of livestock in the vertical zoning, in the lowland zone (up to 200 meters above sea level), the EI by paramphystomids amounted to 78.4%, by fasciols – 28.2%, in the foothill zone (from 201 to 700 m) – respectively , 2 and 22.7%, in the mountain (from 701 to 1900 m) – 50.7 and 18.5%, and in the subalpine (from 1901 to 2300 m) – 23.9 and 8.1%. Paramphistomiasis was found in the high-mountainous villages of Bochorna (2350 m above sea level) and Jute (2200 m), and in the village of Ushguli (2250 m) the cattle were invaded by paramphystomids, fasciols, intestinal strangilites and dictyocaulus.

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