
The global production created by the mankind has an intensively increasing harmful effect on the environment. As a result, we are facing the problem of the saving of natural environment and now the global community tries to find solution for this environmental problem. The power generation sector is the most environmentally aggressive of all industry branches. Technical power engineering facilities differ by a high degree of complexity making it difficult to increase the level of their environmental friendliness. In particular, centralized heat supply systems are rather complicated and responsible components of the power engineering industry. These differ by a high level of environmental aggressiveness. Hence, these need to increase a degree of their environmental friendliness. The purpose of this research was to analyze the condition of the interaction of the power generating sector with the natural environment and search for harmonization solutions of available contradictions of such an interaction. An increase of the environmental friendliness of the worn-out power equipment used by centralized heat supply systems is a topical problem. The purpose of this scientific paper was to suggest a solution for the problem of the environmental interaction of the centralized heat supply systems with natural environment using an approach of their partial renewal. The most environmentally aggressive elements of these systems are the boiler plants that emit heat and harmful substances into the environment. Domestic boiler plants have completely been worn-out. Therefore, the development of the domestic boiler building industry is of vital importance. It will enable the production of modern boiler plants instead of worn-out boiler systems. This process is impeded at the moment by the insufficiency of available resources. Contemporary requirements to the technological level of the functioning efficiency of the centralized heat-supply systems are rather high, especially as for its environmental component. Available centralized heat-supply systems have low efficiency due to a high wear-out level of their elements on the whole. There is an urgent need for an increase in the efficiency of these systems. One of the available ways of such an increase in the efficiency is a partial renewal of the equipment. The program of the partial renewal of available boiler plants allows us to provide an appropriate increase in the environmental friendliness of the worn-out equipment used by centralized heat-supply systems. The coverage of the entire fleet of the equipment available for the centralized heat-supply systems by this partial renewal program will allow for an increase in the level of its ecological friendliness on the whole.

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