
First Izhma Suite was selected for the South Timan in 1930 N. N. Tikhonovich in the study of oil deposits of the upper Devonian. Part of this Suite, they had included a wide range of rocks exposed on the right Bank of the r. Izhma. Later D. C. Obruchev (1958) as part of the Suite rocks have been identified the remains of testaceous fish Bothriolepis jeremejevi Rohon and Bothriolepis sp. Detailed stratigraphic and paleontologic study of the incision retinue was made So T. I. Kouchnareva (1977), who established her Famennian age. The lower part of the Izhma suites N. N. Tihonovith she took to Ukhta the retinue of the Frasnian stage as gypsum-bearing strata. However, the name of the Suite – Izhma the upper part of the section was saved. Deposits Izhma suites in the new volume it was first compared with padonskimi layers of the Russian platform. Lithology in Izhma the retinue are two parts: the lower part is predominantly clay, and the upper carbonate. In the study of the East wing Ukhta brachyanticline So, T. G. Obukhovska, A. C. Kuzmin (1993) attributed to the Izhma retinue only her upper carbonate part. The separation of the Izhma suites on podsvity was proposed M. N. Moskalenko with co-authors (1999) on the basis of a more careful study of organic remains and features of the lithological composition of the rocks. P. A. Beznosov (2009) studied the fish fauna in the dolomite horizon Izhma suites, lower podsvit transferred to the rank of a Suite called sosnogorskaya. For the upper left them rank podsvity with the same name – Izhma. Thus, twice the changed composition of the Izhma Suite has not resulted in a change of its name. In this article it is proposed to resolve this discrepancy and the upper podsvity transferred to the rank suites by assigning her the name of the place of its location – poznanskaya.

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