
Subject/topic. The formation of a modern competitive entrepreneurial sector in the national economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is directly related to such key components of the institutional support of entrepreneurial activity in the country as the interaction of small and private entrepreneurship (business) with state power, with existing financial and credit institutions, industrial and technological institutions. Goals/objectives. On a systematic basis, study the institutions that ensure the availability and transparency of information for conducting small and private entrepreneurship. To consider the problems related to the effective state regulation of entrepreneurial activity, which is manifested in the creation of an external entrepreneurial environment and in which the most favourable and effective conditions for supporting the development of entrepreneurship will be provided with the optimal combination of the interests of private entrepreneurs and the state regulator. Methodology. In the work with the help of observations, statistical analysis and targeted monitoring of the business environment, various criteria are analyzed that affect the state of the institutional and business environment. Results. The reasons leading to the emergence of ineffective shadow institutions in entrepreneurship are identified. Based on the study of international ratings, on the example of the World Bank and Doing Business International Finance Corporation ratings and business environment surveys, specific measures are proposed to improve entrepreneurship institutions in Uzbekistan. Conclusions/relevance. It is concluded that in the context of the transformation of the national economy, targeted state efforts to further remove administrative barriers to doing business by small and private entrepreneurship entities can make a difference and help the sector enterprises to take their place in the new market of the Eurasian Economic Community, as well as facilitate the entry of Uzbekistan into WTO.

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