
There are discussed in the article the features of using an electronic signature when concluding civil law contracts on the Internet. Particular attention is paid to the positive aspects of the use of electronic signature. The scientific article is based on the analysis of relevant legal sources: the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Commerce”, the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Document Flow”, the Law of Ukraine “On Electronic Trust Services”, etc. The article notes that EDS are recognized as legally binding and have the same legal force as ordinary paper signatures. This means that contracts concluded using EDS have full legal force and can be enforced in court. The article states that the use of EDS can significantly reduce the time and effort associated with the process of concluding contracts. There is no need for the physical presence of the parties, sending paper copies and waiting for their delivery. It is noted in the article that EDS simplifies the preservation and archiving of contracts. Electronic documents can be stored electronically on secure servers or cloud storage, which provides convenient access to them at any time. It is noted in the article that EDS is an international standard for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents. EDS allows you to conclude contracts and conduct business transactions at the international level, minimizing barriers associated with geographical distance and various legal systems. In particular, the article highlights other features of signing the EDS of civil law contracts concluded on the Internet. It is noted that EDS remains a relevant and important tool for concluding contracts in the modern information society, especially on the Internet.

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