
The article discusses the actual aspects of the metallogeny of the Pacific volcanic belts (PVB), which are a complexes of volcanogenic-plutogenic formations associated with the development of the marginal lithosphere and has an expressive specificity of ore formation. It is shown that over time the notions of metallogenic homogeneity of PVB have received a new justification from the position of global plate tectonics. Metallogenic significance of Ag/Au relationships in ore deposits of the PVB is shown. The correlation between porphyry-epithermal and the VMS ore-forming systems, regenerated and rejuvenated epithermal deposits is discussed. Global metallogenic homogeneity of the Pacific ore belt suggests a wide development of analogues of American volcanogenic deposits in its Asian half, including in the North-East of Russia. The main part of the internal zone of the Okhotsko-Chukchi marginal volcanic belt the Udo-Murgal island-arc belt, as well as the Uyandino-Yasachensky and Oloysky volcanic belts, are similar in geological structure not only to the Japanese green tuffs province, but also to other Pacific volcanic zones of the island-arc type and, therefore, within their limits, there is a high probability of revealing the entire variety of deposits of the VMS ore-formation series.

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