
The article gives a brief review of the works of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. V.V. Menshutkin for the 65-year period of scientific activity, which began in the 60s of the XX century with experimental works on the hydrophisics of Lake Baikal and the first mathematical models of the perch population of the small lake Kherya-Yarvi (Karelian Isthmus) and fish community in Lake Dalneye (Kamchatka). The latter was of great practical importance when concluding an agreement with Japan on catch quotas for sockeye salmon.V.V. Menshutkin’s range of interests was very wide and included mathematical modeling in biology, physiology, limnology, oceanology, demography, economics, ecology and rational nature management. The works on research of water objects and processes in them include modeling of dynamics of fish and aquatic invertebrate populations, Antarctic krill. He created mathematical models of ecosystems of Ladoga and Onega lakes, and during oceanic expeditions of the Academy of Sciences — of the Sea of Japan and the Peruvian upwelling area.His research in the field of physiology of blood circulation and water-salt metabolism, works related to space subjects, modeling of diagnostics and treatment of mental diseases are interesting. V.V. Menshutkin paid special attention to the issues of biological evolution. V.V. Menshutkin paid special attention to the issues of biological evolution and modeling of evolutionary process. The mathematical apparatus used by V.V. Menshutkin is very broad. The mathematical apparatus used by V.V. Menshutkin is very wide: from systems of differential equations to finite automata, neural networks, fuzzy logic and cognitive modeling (a new direction in artificial intelligence), with which the studies of ecological-socio-economic systems of water bodies catchments were connected.O.P. Savchuk and V.V. Menshutkin united research methods — mathematical modeling and objects under study: oceans, seas and lakes. However, their only joint work was the collective monograph on the results of “Nevskaya Guba” project, which conclusions became the basis for the important decision to complete the construction of the dam in St. Petersburg.

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