
There has recently been a strong revival of interest in quasi-extremal magnetically charged black holes. In the asymptotically flat case, it is possible to choose the magnetic charge of such an object in such a manner that the black hole is surrounded by a corona in which electroweak symmetry is restored on macroscopic scales, a result of very considerable interest. We argue that holographic duality indicates that the asymptotically AdS analogues of these black holes have several interesting properties: the dual theory is only physical if the black hole is required to rotate; in the rotating case, the magnetic field at the poles does not attain its maximum on the event horizon, but rather somewhat outside it; the magnetic field at the equator is not a monotonically decreasing function of the magnetic charge; the electric fields induced by the rotation, while smaller than their magnetic counterparts, are by no means negligible; the maximal electric field often occurs neither at the poles nor at the equator; and so on. Most importantly, in the magnetically charged case it is possible to avoid the superradiant instability to which neutral AdS-Kerr black holes are subject; but the need to avoid this instability imposes upper bounds on the magnetic and electric fields. In some circumstances, therefore, the corona may not exist in the asymptotically AdS case.

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