
Introduction. Ensuring the necessary level of fire safety of objects of different classes is achieved by the use of automatic fire extinguishing installations — drencher, sprinkler, etc. Such installations, feeding extinguishing agents (eg, water) with the required intensity, are designed to localize and eliminate the fire. But there is a significant class of objects for which it is required not to extinguish the fire, but to contain its spread until the arrival of fire departments. This is due to both the features of the structural and functional purpose of the protected objects, and restrictions on the use of extinguishing agents (water). Such facilities are equipped with automatic fire containment installations. Problem. If the known automatic fire extinguishing systems set out the requirements according to intensity of extinguishing substances in a protected area with one sprinkler and other parameters for silent automatic fire containment installations such requirements are formulated in General terms. This complicates the design and subsequent operation of automatic fire containment systems. Ways to solve this problem are: a) establishment of a list of premises and buildings that are appropriate to equip automatic fire containment installations; b) determination of the working intensity of the supply of extinguishing agents to contain the fire; c) assessment of the required operating time of the automatic fire containment installation; d) assessment of the pass of extinguishing agents. In this regard, the article provides relevant theoretical expressions and examples of quantitative estimation of activation time system, a flow rate of extinguishing agents to suppress fire, stock fire-extinguishing agents. Also information on classification of automatic fire extinguishing installations and the approximate list of the objects which are subject to protection by automatic fire containment installations is given. Conclusions. Thus, on the basis of the above material can be formulated the basic requirements for the design of automatic fire containment systems, for which it is advisable to develop a special regulatory document.


  • Ensuring the necessary level of fire safety of objects of different classes is achieved by the use of automatic fire extinguishing installations

  • there is a significant class of objects

  • Such facilities are equipped with automatic fire containment installations

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