
It is widely accepted that seeing a talker improves a listener’s ability to understand what a talker is saying in background noise (e.g., Erber, 1969; Sumby & Pollack, 1954). The literature is mixed, however, regarding the influence of the visual modality on the listening effort required to recognize speech (e.g., Fraser, Gagné, Alepins, & Dubois, 2010; Sommers & Phelps, 2016). Here, we present data showing that even when the visual modality robustly benefits recognition, processing audiovisual speech can still result in greater cognitive load than processing speech in the auditory modality alone. We show using a dual-task paradigm that the costs associated with audiovisual speech processing are more pronounced in easy listening conditions, in which speech can be recognized at high rates in the auditory modality alone—indeed, effort did not differ between audiovisual and audio-only conditions when the background noise was presented at a more difficult level. Further, we show that though these effects replicate with different stimuli and participants, they do not emerge when effort is assessed with a recall paradigm rather than a dual-task paradigm. Together, these results suggest that the widely cited audiovisual recognition benefit may come at a cost under more favorable listening conditions, and add to the growing body of research suggesting that various measures of effort may not be tapping into the same underlying construct (Strand et al., 2018).


  • As anyone who has been to a noisy party can attest, seeing a talker’s face typically facilitates speech recognition

  • Measures of word recognition accuracy do not capture information about the cognitive load associated with processing speech; listeners may be able to maintain high levels of word recognition accuracy when conversing in either a quiet room or at a cocktail party with competing speech and loud background noise, but the cognitive and attentional demands of listening in these two settings are quite different

  • Given the multi-modal nature of speech and potentially negative consequences of effort (McGarrigle et al, 2014), the relationship between listening effort and audiovisual speech processing has received increasing attention in recent years (Fraser et al, 2010; Gosselin & Gagné, 2011a; Mishra, Lunner, Stenfelt, Rönnberg, & Rudner, 2013a, 2013b; Sommers & Phelps, 2016). Existing models such as the Ease of Language Understanding (ELU) model and the Framework for Understanding Effortful Listening (FUEL) do not explicitly address how adding a visual signal affects listening effort, and arguments could be made for several patterns of data

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Raw data, and code for all experiments are available at https://www.osf.io/86zdp. Vibrotactile stimuli Vibrotactile stimuli consisted of a short (100 ms), medium (150 ms), or long (250 ms) pulse train presented to the index finger of each participant’s non-dominant hand. Participants were presented 18 randomly intermixed pulses, six of each length, and were asked to classify each pulse as short, medium, or long as quickly and accurately as possible If their accuracy at classifying the pulses during this familiarization block was worse than 75% (i.e., worse than 14/18 correct), the entire block, including the brief exposure phase, was repeated. This block was included to ensure that participants could accurately classify the pulses according to their duration before completing the vibrotactile and speech tasks concurrently. We hypothesized that response times to the vibrotactile task would be slower in the hard compared to the easy SNR, indicating that the vibrotactile dual-task paradigm is sensitive to changes in effort

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