
The article is devoted to research of the state of the national system of legal education in the field of intellectual property. The stages of national strategy forming of study of intellectual property and right of intellectual ownership are certain in higher educational establishments. The problem aspects of the legislative adjusting are exposed in this sphere. Directions of further development of the national system of legal education are offered in the field of intellectual property, in particular, by introduction for a study students «Master’s degree» of educational discipline «Commercialization of intellectual ownership rights». It is grounded, that legal education must provide preparation of specialists, capable at high professional level to apply knowledges and abilities, necessary for development of innovative model of development of modern economy, effective realization and defence of rights on the objects of intellectual property in practice. It is grounded, that the system of education must provide the deep study of different aspects of realization and defence of intellectual ownership rights. Actual for speciality «Jurisprudence» and other specialities becomes a deep study along with a base course «Right of intellectual ownership», «Intellectual property» for students «Bachelor’s degree», also and separate educational discipline «Commercialization of intellectual ownership rights» for students «Master’s degree». The study of this discipline will allow graduating students to be ready to the successful decision of tasks in the field of intellectual property, which are put before every producer in the conditions of innovative economy, based on the effective use and defence of intellectual ownership rights. The purpose of study of course of commercialization of intellectual ownership rights is forming of jurisdictions, necessary for understanding of theoretical knowledges students about the legal adjusting of commercialization of intellectual ownership rights, methods and legal forms of commercialization of intellectual ownership rights, receipts of practical skills and abilities in relation to the features of realization of rights on the objects of intellectual property, mechanism of defence of these rights.

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