
This article outlines the history of abortion law in Aotearoa New Zealand from colonial times to the present. The struggle for law reform has been long and difficult, with marches and rallies, protests and placard-waving, and firebombing of abortion clinics. Aotearoa New Zealand elections have been fought on this issue. Abortion was regulated here under the Crimes Act until 2020. Finally, after 150 years, procuring an abortion in Aotearoa New Zealand is no longer a crime, it is a women's healthcare issue along with others relating to women's reproductive health, including obstetric, contraceptive, sexually transmitted disease and other gynaecological care. The new law promotes autonomy, reproductive health, patient safety and health equity. The abortion struggle serves as an illustration of our changing political and social landscape, with a public move from conservative towards more liberal values. However, the issue continues to divide people, and events in the United States have shown how quickly change can occur, with their Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade and states now banning abortions. We should not be complacent.

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