
Tetrapterys spp. have been reported as a cause of cardiac fibrosis, status spongiosus of the nervous system, and abortion. To study the intoxication by Tetrapterys multiglandulosa, 24 sheep were divided into 4 experimental groups of 4 sheep each and 1 control group. Groups 1 to 3, respectively, received 1, 1.5, and 3 g/kg body weight of the dry plant daily, starting on the 90th day of pregnancy. Group 4 received 1.5 g/kg from the 120th day of pregnancy to the end of gestation. All sheep from groups 2 and 3, except 1 that was submitted to cesarean delivery, aborted between 110 and 134 days of pregnancy. Seven fetuses had anasarca. Seven lambs from groups 1 and 4 were weak and died or were euthanatized. The other 2 were born weak with mild nervous signs but recovered. Cardiac fibrosis and status spongiosus of the nervous system were observed in newborn lambs and fetuses.

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