
Self-determination informed policies are key to improved outcomes for Aboriginal health. Aboriginal leadership must be reflected throughout any public health reform process that affects Aboriginal communities. This paper presents a body of oral health policy work, undertaken under Loddon Mallee Aboriginal Reference Group's (LMARG's) leadership, as an exemplar of a self-determination informed change, that led to an amendment of an Australian state (Victoria) regulation - The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners [AHPs]) Regulations 2022. A summary of activities undertaken by LMARG, from advocacy to leading the submission, to amend the regulation, is provided. The amendment, now in place, authorises registered AHPs to obtain, possess, and administer fluoride varnish (FV) as a part of health services they provide. FV is a concentrated form of fluoride applied to tooth surfaces to prevent tooth decay. The practical implication of this amendment is delivery of a culturally appropriate integrated oral health promotion FV model that addresses mainstream dental access barriers commonly experienced by Aboriginal people. The model aims at upskilling an Aboriginal workforce to facilitate timely FV application to Aboriginal children.

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