
Objective: the aim of this paper was to verify knowledgement senior undergraduate dental students’ of Rio de Janeiro Universities on how to proceed when facing violence against women. Material and Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted, using an on-line Google Form containing 17 objective questions. Last year undergraduate dental students from Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area and close campi answered the survey, coming to a total of 237 answers, with 95% confiability. This research was approved by the number 4.105.142 CEP-HUFF/UFRJ technical report. Results: only 26,6% of the students claimed to have received orientation on how to conduct a case of violence against women. Moreover, 67,1% don’t feel ready to guide victims of domestic violence, claiming to have none/phew/insufficient knowledge of the topic. Most of the students, 92,4%, said that they didn’t receive any information about the notification and grievances file and, 76,7% of those that did, said that they wouldn’t be able to fill it. Over 71% know a woman who has been a victim of domestic violence, who were mostly hit on head/neck/face. The undergraduate students reported that they would provide dental care, orientate the victim and report the domestic violence scenario to the responsible entities. Conclusion: thus, it was observed a knowledge deficit concerning violence against women protocols in undergraduate dentistry courses in Rio de Janeiro, since this topic isn’t approached or is taught using inefficient methods

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