
The vast majority of trisomies in spontaneous abortions (SAB) are single and of maternal origin, most frequently due to meiosis I errors. Triple trisomies are exceedingly rare (approximately 0.05% of spontaneous abortions), most often of maternal origin, and associated with increased maternal age. Some trisomic SAB specimens can exhibit abnormal villous morphology simulating a partial hydatidiform mole, a distinct form of hydatidiform mole characterized by diandric triploidy. A SAB specimen from a 27-year-old woman, G1P0 at 8 weeks gestational age, was reviewed in consultation to address the finding of morphological features suggestive of a partial hydatidiform mole but DNA ploidy analysis yielding a diploid result. The villi were irregularly shaped and hydropic but lacked trophoblastic hyperplasia; p57 expression was retained. Since fully developed features of a partial hydatidiform mole were lacking, additional analysis was performed. Molecular genotyping and single nucleotide polymorphism array analysis demonstrated biparental diploidy with trisomy of chromosomes 7, 13, and 20, all of paternal origin. The three trisomies may have originated from paternal meiosis II errors, or from mitotic nondisjunction. We believe this to be the first report of triple trisomy in a SAB confirmed to be of paternal origin.

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