
Introduction: The present study focusses on the interrelationship between medically diagnosed congenital inner-ear hearing deficits and sella turcica morphology. Based on former prenatal studies it is hypothesized that the posterior wall and the floor of the sella turcica are malformed in patients with congenital inner-ear hearing deficits. Material and Methods:The study is based on profile radiographs from 7 patients (10-17 years of age) with congenital inner-ear hearing deficits and hearing aids. The sella turcica was identified and described in these profile radiographs. Results: The posterior walls and the floors of the sella turcicae are malformed in all 7 cases and the anterior wall appear close to normalin all cases. This observation proofs the involvement of the cranialoccipital field in congenital inner ear hearing deficits. Conclusion: The observation of posterior wall and sella floor malformation observed on profile radiographs from patients with congenital inner-ear deficits has seemingly not been published before. In future analyses of profile radiographs, the morphology of the anterior wall, the posterior wall, and the floor of sella turcica should receive specific attention. Absence or malformation of the posterior wall could be a sign of congenital hearing deficit.

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