
Abstract Based on large amounts of cores, open-hole conventional logs and mineral components analysis, abnormal natural gamma ray (GR) log showing high values in conglomerates and low values in fine-grained sediments, are described and explained in Baikouquan Formation of Xiazijie Fan-delta, Mahu Depression, Junggar Basin. After observing cores, normalizing the GR log and correcting depth errors between both, the GR log values of individual grain-sized lithology are extracted and counted. When grain-size decreases, the average GR values of different sized grains increase generally. The GR values of conglomerates are mostly between 50 and 80 API, while the values of fine-grains are mainly between 70 and 100 API. However, abnormal GR log features exist in the cores and wells of Baikouquan Formation prevalently. A great deal of high radioactive intermediate-acid volcanic minerals, such as volcanic tuff, felsite, andesite, granite, rhyolite, et al., distribute widely in the conglomerates, which results in abnormal high GR values in conglomeratic intervals. Low radioactive quartz components exit widely in high percentage in mudstones, which is the primary mineral explanation for the abnormal low GR values in reddish-brown siltstones and sandstones intervals.

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