
To study the close relationship between the actin cytoskeleton and cell wall formation, the process of cell wall formation in reverting protoplasts of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cps8 actin point mutant was investigated by ultra-high-resolution low-voltage scanning electron microscopy (UHR-LVSEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The protoplast of the cps8 mutant began to form a glucan network in a unipolar manner and to secrete alpha-galactomannan. The site of cell wall formation grew in a cylindrical shape in the wild-type protoplast. The alpha-galactomannan did not fill in the intrafibrillar spaces completely, however, and the fibrils were exposed on the cell surface. UHR-LVSEM images indicated that the glucan fibrils were thin and rope-shaped, forming a looser network than the wild-type. TEM images indicated the finest fibrils were approximately 1.5 nm in diameter, the same diameter as the wild-type. These results suggest that the cps8 mutant was insufficient in developing cross-linkage with the glucan fibrils up to the wide ribbon shape as found in the wild-type [Osumi M et al. (1989) J. Electron Microsc. 38: 457-468; Osumi M (1998) Micron 29: 207-233]. These findings appear to indicate that the actin cytoskeleton controls formation of the glucan network and secretion of beta-1,6-glucan, and confirm the close relationship of the actin cytoskeleton and glucan formation.

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