
Background. Abiotic stressors, such as prolonged dry conditions, oversupply or lack of moisture, frost, etc., are spontaneous, and their impact causes significant damage to plants. This is also true for the common and leafless morphotypes of vegetable pea, which are most widely used in large-scale crop production.Objectives. Eleven cultivars with leaves of the usual type (common morphotype) and 6 semi-leafless ones (leafless morphotype) were studied.Materials and methods. The experiments were performed on the breeding fields of Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station of VIR (Krasnodar Territory, 2015–2016). The plot area was 10 m2. There were 3 replications. Dry matter content was measured by drying the aerial parts of plants (axial organs, foliar apparatus [leaf, stipules], flowers, unripe beans, pod valves, grain) to constant dry matter at 105°C. Dry matter contents were compared using the t-test. Multifactorial analysis of variance (MANOVA, LSD test) was used to assess the yield of vegetable pea cultivars.Results. Vegetable pea plants are subject to the negative effect of abiotic stressors. With excessive moisture in the initial period of growth, there was a decrease in the accumulation of dry matter in plants. A similar effect is exerted by long absence of precipitation during the growth period of vegetable pea plants from the phase of 2–3 leaves to technical ripeness. The effect of weather conditions during cultivation on the yield of vegetable peas was estimated at 13.3%; and the interaction of the genotype٭environment factors, at 33.3%.Conclusion. No significant differences were observed between the groups of common leafy cultivars and semi-leafless ones in the content of dry matter in the aboveground biomass of plants and the yield. During the two years of research, the cultivars that exceeded the reference in yield were identified: ‘Prima’ (i-155213, Russia) and ‘Ambassador’ (k-9946, Germany), both belonging to the common morphotype.


  • Abiotic stressors, such as prolonged dry conditions, oversupply or lack of moisture, frost, etc., are spontaneous, and their impact causes significant damage to plants. This is true for the common and leafless morphotypes of vegetable pea, which are most widely used in large-scale crop production

  • Eleven cultivars with leaves of the usual type and 6 semi-leafless ones were studied

  • Dry matter content was measured by drying the aerial parts of plants to constant dry matter at 105°C

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Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station, branch of the N. Resources (VIR), 12 Vavilova Street, Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory 353384, Russia; Актуальность. Исследовали 11 сортов с обычным типом листа (обычный морфотип) и 6 с усатым (безлисточковый морфотип). Содержание сухих веществ определяли методом высушивания надземных частей растений (осевые органы, листовой аппарат [лист, прилистники], цветки, лопатки, створки боба, зерно) до постоянной сухой массы при температуре 105°C. Сравнение показателей содержания сухих веществ проводили используя t-test. При оценке урожайности сортов овощного гороха применяли многофакторный дисперсионный анализ (Factorial ANOVA, LSD-test). Растения овощного гороха подвержены негативному влиянию абиотических стрессовых факторов. При избыточном увлажнении в начальный период роста у растений отмечено снижение накопления сухих веществ. Влияние погодных условий выращивания на урожайность овощного гороха составило 13,3%, а взаимодействие факторов «генотип ‫٭‬среда» − 33,3%. Между группами сортов с обычным типом листа и с усатым по содержанию сухих веществ в надземной биомассе растений и урожайности значимой разницы не выявлено. За два года исследований выделены сорта, превосходящие стандарты по урожайности: ‘Прима’ (и-155213, Россия) и ‘Амбассадор’ (к-9946, Германия) обычного морфотипа

Материалы и методы исследований
Результаты исследования и их обсуждение
Безлисточковый морфотип
Германия Россия Россия
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