
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the ability of pharmacy students to assess their learning. Methods: Without pre-class preparation or access to learning resources, third-year pharmacy students were asked to list in preset templates the important points of topics that were covered two weeks earlier including Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s chorea and Parkinson’s diseases, structure short essay questions guided by these lists and answer them. In the first section, students worked individually while in the second and third sections they worked in groups of four. At the end of each session, students were asked to fill in a pre-piloted ethically approved questionnaire on their perception of the present exercise and learning strategies and examinations. Results: The majority of participants (n: 51; 85%) were females and with GPAs ranging from 2.5-4. The important points listed by students focused on the aetiology and treatment of the disorders. However, the questions framed by grouped students and their answers were more thorough and well organised. Half of the participants reported the aim of tests was to improve their learning and the majority (93%, 85% and 85%) of students preferred pre-scheduled tests, paper examinations and lectures using PowerPoint presentations respectively. In their reflection on the exercise, most students enjoyed it and found it effective in enhancing their learning. Conclusion: The present pedagogy enhances learning, writing skills, group collaboration and team spirit. Its application in other classes and topics would strengthen its value in enhancing learning.

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