
Nucleus magnocellularis (NM), a second-order nucleus in the chick auditory system, is topographically and tonotopically organized. The basilar papilla (cochlea) projects onto the ipsilateral NM via the auditory nerve. The anteromedial region of NM is innervated by the proximal end of the basilar papilla and responds to high-frequency sounds; more posterolateral regions receive input from more distal locations along the papilla and respond to progressively lower frequencies. NM projects exclusively to the third-order neurons of nucleus laminaris (NL). Otocyst removal prevents the formation of the ipsilateral cochlea and cochlear nerve and results in the development of an aberrant functional projection from the contralateral NM to the "deafferented" NM on the operated side of the brain (Jackson and Parks, 1988). In the present experiment, the otocyst was removed unilaterally and the tonotopic organization of the deafferented NM was physiologically mapped at 17-18 d of embryonic age (E17-E18). Quantitative analyses revealed that the frequency organization of the deafferented NM is almost identical to that in normal embryos. Progressively higher characteristic frequencies were recorded at successively more anterior and more medial locations in the nucleus, and the orientation of the tonotopic axis was indistinguishable from normal. Furthermore, the correlation between characteristic frequency and anatomical location is comparable in the deafferented (r = 0.91) and normal (r = 0.87) NM. The only noticeable discrepancy is that characteristic frequencies in NM on both sides of the brain of operated embryos are higher than the frequencies observed previously at comparable regions of the nucleus in unoperated controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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