
Gonochoristic wild-type dojo loaches (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) are diploid (2n = 50) and reproduce bisexually. However, sympatric clonal diploids generate unreduced diploid isogenic eggs that develop gynogenetically. Clone-origin triploidy arises following the incorporation of a haploid wild-type sperm nucleus into the diploid egg. Triploid females produce fertile haploid eggs by meiotic hybridogenesis, while triploid males are sterile. Clonal loaches arose from past hybridization event(s) between genetically diverse groups, A and B. Artificial hybrid females between the 2 groups produce unreduced and/or aneuploid eggs, but the hybrid males are sterile. In this study using FISH, we analyzed chromosome pairing in meiotic cells of clone-origin triploid and inter-group hybrid males to clarify the cytogenetic mechanisms underlying the male-specific sterility. We used a repetitive sequence probe to identify group B-derived chromosomes and a 5.8S + 28S rDNA probe to identify pairs of homologous chromosomes. We found that asynapsis and irregular synapsis occur in triploid and hybrid males containing 2 different genomes and that this may cause the formation of sterile germ cells. These results will help us to understand hybrid sterility from the viewpoint of synapsis behavior.

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