
Trace eyeblink conditioning is a hippocampus-dependent associative learning paradigm which is impaired in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and animal AD models. Learning in this paradigm accompanies changes in oscillatory activity in forebrain regions, some of which are loci of pathogenic changes in prodromal AD stages. These observations motivated us to examine how cortical event-related potentials (ERPs) during this paradigm are affected by two features of the asymptomatic, AD-related brain abnormality, entorhinal tau accumulation and mild cholinergic deficit. Adult rats received viral overexpression of P301L mutant human tau in the entorhinal cortex, low-dose scopolamine treatment, or both. Electroencephalograms were recorded with epidural electrodes on the surface of the frontal, parietal, and temporal cortices during differential and reversal trace eyeblink conditioning. All rats developed conditioned responses to one of two stimuli (auditory or visual) paired with mild eyelid shock (CS+), but not to the other stimulus presented alone(CS-). They were also able to adjust the response when the stimulus contingency was reversed. With learning, the amplitude of several ERP components in the frontal and temporal cortices came to differentiate the CS+ from CS-. Scopolamine affected the learning-related change in temporal P2 and other learning-unrelated components in three regions. Entorhinal tau overexpression primary affected the amplitude of temporal visual ERPs and learning-unrelated frontal and temporal auditory ERP components. The double manipulation only affected two components of temporal auditory ERPs. Thus, cortical ERPs during differential associative learning are sensitive to asymptomatic brain abnormality associated with AD.

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