
Let G G be a finite nonabelian group, and let ψ : G → G \psi :G\to G be a homomorphism with abelian image. We show how ψ \psi gives rise to two Hopf-Galois structures on a Galois extension L / K L/K with Galois group (isomorphic to) G G ; one of these structures generalizes the construction given by a “fixed point free abelian endomorphism” introduced by Childs in 2013. We construct the skew left brace corresponding to each of the two Hopf-Galois structures above. We will show that one of the skew left braces is in fact a bi-skew brace, allowing us to obtain four set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation as well as a pair of Hopf-Galois structures on a (potentially) different finite Galois extension.

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