
Abdullah Hussain is a great name in Urdu novel writing. Abdullah Hussain got this place because of his first novel (Udass naslein).The novel (Udaas naslein) was published for the first time in 1963.This novel gained countrywide fame due to its theme and style of writing. After that in 1982 Abdullah Hussain’s second novel (Bhaag) came out. (Bhaag)Is a unique in term of its theme and story. After these two novels , Abdullah Hussain’s two more novels (Qaid) and (Naadaar log) were published in 1989 and 1996 respectively. (Udaas naslein) is a mater piece of Urdu novel writing. For this reason, this novel was awarded with (Adamji) Award. The subject of Abdullah Hussain’s novels is Pakistani society. A tragic concept of those who live in this society. The perfection of Abdullah Hussain is that he takes the story in his grasp and moves forward. He interprets human feeling and emotions through characters .He is a modern novelist, that’s why there is a beautiful combination of innovation in his art and thought along with tradition. In this article Abdullah Hussain’s novel writing has been analyzed from every aspect and an attempt has been made to cover him in the context of modern Urdu novel writing.

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