
Abducens internuclear and ascending tract of Deiters (ATD) inputs to medial rectus motoneurons in the oculomotor nucleus are important for conjugate horizontal movements. In the present study, the organization of these separate populations of neurons and their synaptic connections with medial rectus motoneurons in the cat oculomotor nucleus have been examined by light and electron microscopy by using retrograde and anterograde axonal tracers. Consistent with the patterns of retrograde horseradish peroxidase labeling, the abducens internuclear projection is predominantly, if not exclusively, contralateral, whereas the ATD projection is exclusively ipsilateral, as demonstrated by anterograde autoradiographic and biocytin labeling. Both populations of synaptic endings contain spheroidal synaptic vesicles and establish synaptic contacts with modest postsynaptic densifications. In addition, ATD synaptic endings frequently are associated with subjunctional dense bodies and subsurface cisternae. The two populations of excitatory inputs differ, however, in their soma-dendritic distribution. The majority of abducens internuclear synaptic endings contact distal dendrites, whereas the majority of ATD synaptic endings contact proximal dendrites or somata. Abducens internuclear synaptic endings furthermore have a higher density of mitochondria than ATD synaptic endings. The more proximal location of ATD synaptic endings is consistent with the faster rise time and earlier reversal to polarizing currents of ATD excitatory postsynaptic potentials in comparison to those evoked by the abducens internuclear pathway as determined electrophysiologically. Given the differences in the physiologic signals conveyed by the abducens internuclear (eye velocity and eye position) and ATD (head velocity) pathways, the findings in this study suggest that the soma-dendritic stratification of the two inputs to medial rectus motoneurons may provide a means for the separate control of visuomotor and vestibular functions, respectively.

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