
The 2016 impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and the decisions by new President Temer require us to focus on the life and work of Abdias Nascimento. Temer’s actions remind us that the recent efforts of Brazilian governments to be more racially inclusive and egalitarian have not been consolidated and that policies such as affirmative action, the teaching of Afro-Brazilian history and culture, and racial quotas in the public sector are at risk. Nascimento dedicated his life to fighting against White racism in Brazil and promoting government policies to improve social, economic, and political opportunities for Afro-Brazilians. He witnessed and experienced racial discrimination in his own life and observed various responses to it. Nascimento decided that he would denounce it, fight against it, organize Afro-Brazilians to empower themselves, and campaign for a racially inclusive, democratic, and prosperous country. He lived to see the early implementation of some of his policies. Nonetheless, he recognized that 500 years of White racism would not be defeated easily.

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