
The ability of a researcher and quality of research publications are generally measured by the number of research publications and the number of citations they receive during a given observation period. There are a number of research indices commonly used to assess the ability and hence the quantity of research along with the quality of a research publication. Research indices are calculated based on either citation values of research publications of a research scholar or the number of research papers published by a research scholar for a given period. Apart from generally used citation indices like H-index, i10-index, G-index, and based on argument on why certain research publications do not attract citations initially for some years, it is found that the best method of identifying the contribution to research is calculating the annual research index for an author by considering the annual research publications. Recently, we have suggested some of the new research indices used for calculating research productivity of individuals as well as a team of people in an organization which include ARPIndex – (Annual Research Publication Index), RC-Index – (Research Continuation Index), RE-Index (Research Expansion Index), Project Productivity Index, and Cost Index. In this paper, we have made an attempt to study these five indices by using our own technique of qualitative analysis of a system or concept called ABCD analysis/listing.

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