
The objective of this study was to investigate the relative significance of hydraulic and chemical signals in controlling stomatal conductance (gs) of drought-stressed tomato plants grown under ambient (a[CO2], 400ppm) and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (e[CO2], 800ppm). The fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) was lower and decreased much faster in plants grown at e[CO2] than those grown at a[CO2]. During soil drying, midday leaf water potential (Ψl), osmotic potential (Ψπ), and turgor pressure (Ψp) were kept constant until FTSW reached ca. 0.2; while the plants grown under e[CO2] had significantly lower Ψπ but significantly higher Ψp than those grown under a[CO2]. The An was significantly greater in plants grown under e[CO2] than those grown under a[CO2] during soil drying. The gs was significant higher for plants grown under a[CO2] at onset of drought but decreased linearly with decreasing FTSW, whereas it was kept almost unchanged from onset of drought until FTSW reached ca. 0.2 in plants grown under e[CO2]. The intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) increased linearly with decreasing FTSW to ca. 0.2 in plants grown under a[CO2], while a decline of WUEi was observed for plants grown under e[CO2]. The xylem sap ABA concentration ([ABA]xylem) increased exponentially with decreasing FTSW, and the increase was more pronounced in plants grown under e[CO2]. When FTSW>0.3,gs decreased linearly with increasing [ABA]xylem for plants grown under a[CO2]; while for plants grown under e[CO2], gs decreased linearly with decreasing Ψp, indicating that at moderate drought stress the gs of tomato leaves was mainly regulated by the xylem-borne ABA signaling when grown at a[CO2]; whereas under e[CO2] the gs was insensitive to [ABA]xylem and controlled predominantly by Ψp. The results provide some novel insights into the mechanisms of plant response to drought stress in future CO2 enriched environment.

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