
<h3>Background</h3> Pulmonary manifestations are common in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) yet there is not enough evidence about the results of different interventions on pulmonary functions. <h3>Objectives</h3> The aim of this study was to evaluate the pulmonary effects of land and water based multidimensional functional mobility exercises on pulmonary functions in AS patients. <h3>Methods</h3> This is a single-blinded, randomized and experimental study conducted in outpatient clinic and thermal center. A total of 38 patients with definite ankylosing spondylitis according to the modified New York criteria were recruited for the study Patients were randomly allocated to aquatic (AG) and land (LG) exercise group twice in a week for 8 weeks. Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT), maximal inspiratory mouth pressure (MIP), and maximal expiratory mouth pressure (MEP) were measured before and after the intervention. <h3>Results</h3> 3 patients from AG and 6 from LG missed 4 sessions consecutively. In AG, PEF (p=0.004), VC (p=0.025), MVV (p=0.006) and MIP (p=0.001) improved significantly on the other hand in LG FEV1/FVC (0.049), PEF (p=0.007) and MVV (p=0.004) significantly increased. <h3>Conclusion</h3> Performing multidimensional functional mobility exercises in water and on land could have different results. Exercising in water could have additional benefits such as increasing inspiratory muscle strength. <h3>References</h3> [1] Berdal G, Halvorsen S, van der Heijde D, Mowe M, Dagfinrud H. Restrictive pulmonary function is more prevalent in patients with ankylosing spondylitis than in matched population controls and is associated with impaired spinal mobility: a comparative study. Arthritis research &amp; therapy. 2012;14(1):R19. [2] Gyurcsik ZN, Andrs A, Bodnr N, Szekanecz Z, Sznt S. Improvement in pain intensity, spine stiffness, and mobility during a controlled individualized physiotherapy program in ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatology International. 2012;32(12):3931-6. [3] Altan L, Bingl, Aslan M, Yurtkuran M. The effect of balneotherapy on patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 2006 2006/01/01;35(4):283-9. [4] van Tubergen A, Hidding A. Spa and exercise treatment in ankylosing spondylitis: fact or fancy? Best Practice &amp; Research Clinical Rheumatology. 2002 2002/09/01;16(4):653-66. [5] Seckin U, Bolukbasi N, Gursel G, Eroz S, Sepici V, Ekim N. Relationship between pulmonary function and exercise tolerance in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. 2000;18(4):503-6. <h3>Disclosure of Interests</h3> None declared

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