
Background: Deformities of the knee joint in the coronal plane (i.e., valgus-type, varus-type) predispose the joint to uneven kinematic forces leading to uneven wear and tear to one compartment over the over, precipitating an early onset of degenerative arthritis with associated altered walking gait and in severe case, marked negative effect on quality of life. Knee osteotomies are the procedure of choice to correct the altered kinematics, with the aim to correct as close to normal range as physiologically possible. Conventional measurements require full length standing X-ray imaging from the pelvis to both feet to assess mechanical axis and plan for degree of correction. However, over- or under-estimation of measurements can occur and lead to unsatisfactory correction. Navigation (computer-assisted) systems take in-vivo measurements of the affected limb and aim to provide more accurate measurements of limb kinematic.

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