
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a kind of self-derived product that contains high concentrations of growth factors and active protein. It was found to have neuroprotective function and can promote nerve regeneration. It was also reported to have a role helping metabolism, tissue repair and healing. At the same time, it has the advantages of easy preparation and biosafety. Recently, PRP is considered a highly expected clinical treatment for male erectile dysfunction (ED). However, although clinical attempts have been made to treat ED using PRP, a paucity of evidence exists regardless of underlying mechanism or clinical studies. We reported that injection of PRP into the corpus cavernosum can promote nerve regeneration and erectile function recovery in a rat model of bilateral cavernous nerve injury. The treatment of PRP prevented the apoptosis of corporal smooth muscle cell. In addition to ED, we also found the bladder condition improved after PRP instillation in a rat model of ketamine cystitis. A recent clinical study reported that repeated intravesical PRP injections are well tolerated and appear to be safe and effective in medically refractive interstitial cystitis (IC)/bladder pain syndrome (BPS), providing significant symptom improvement.

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