
For magnetic double layers separated by a nonmagnetic metallic spacer the precession of the magnetization in only one magnetic slab (``spin pump'') and in both of them (``spin sink'') is described using the fully relativistic spin-polarized screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker method. It is found that both semiaxes of the ellipses that form the base planes of precessional cones can be identified with particular anisotropy energies. Slopes along particular paths of the obtained free energy hypersurfaces are then used to estimate in terms of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation the minimal times to move from a chosen initial state to a particular final state. Furthermore, fully relativistic spin-polarized calculations by means of the Kubo equation of the corresponding zz-like elements of the conductivity tensor show that the current along the surface normal is bigger for ``spin pumps'' than for ``spin sinks.'' For moderately small external fields the time scale for the individual processes is in the femtoregime.

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