
The reaction between triplet methylene and nitric oxide, producing the formaldiminoxy (CH2NO) radical, and the subsequent decomposition and isomerization reactions of CH2NO have been studied using ab␣initio quantum chemical techniques that include the Gaussian-2 (G2), CASSCF and CASPT2 methods. Stationary points on the potential energy surfaces were located at MP2/6-31G(d) and CASSCF/cc-pVDZ levels of theory, while the electronic energies were determined using G2, G2(MP2), QCISD(T)/cc-pVTZ, RCCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ and CASPT2/cc-pVTZ approaches. G2 is believed to be reliable at equilibrium geometries, but the determination of certain transition state geometries and energies requires a MCSCF-based approach. The calculations suggest that CH2NO (2A′) forms in a barrierless reaction and could readily decompose to H+HCNO. A subsequent abstraction reaction then results in H2+CNO. No molecular elimination channel was found. An alternative pathway is the formation of CH2ON, which readily isomerizes to CH2NO.

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