
In the past decade, polymeric carbon nitrides consisting of heptazine (Hz) building blocks emerged as highly promising materials for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water or sacrificial electron donors with near-ultraviolet light. However, the complexity of these materials and their poor characterization at the atomic level are detrimental to the unraveling of the detailed mechanisms of the reactions leading to hydrogen evolution. Recently, it has been shown that a derivative of the Hz molecule, trianisole-heptazine (TAHz), is a potent photobase, which readily oxidizes various derivatives of phenol and even water by an excited-state proton-coupled electron-transfer (PCET) reaction. Energy profiles along minimum-energy reaction paths and relaxed PCET potential-energy surfaces, which previously were computed with ab initio electronic-structure methods for complexes of Hz and TAHz with protic substrates, led to qualitative insights. To obtain more quantitative insight, reaction dynamics simulations are required. In the present work, the time scales of the electron and proton transfer processes and the branching ratios of competing channels were explored with ab initio on-the-fly quasiclassical surface-hopping trajectory simulations for the hydrogen-bonded Hz-H2O complex. By the analysis of representative trajectories, detailed insight into the interplay of various nonadiabatic electronic transitions, electron transfer, proton transfer, and vibrational energy relaxation is obtained. The HzH radicals which are formed by the photoreduction of Hz can disproportionate to Hz and HzH2 in an exothermic reaction with a low reaction barrier. The time scales and branching ratios of competing channels in H-atom photodetachment from the HzH2 molecule also were explored with ab initio surface-hopping simulations. These results delineate for the first time a quantitatively supported scenario of water oxidation and hydrogen evolution with a molecular carbon nitride photocatalyst.

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