
High level ab initio and density functional theory approaches have been used to study the structure and bonding of the stationary points of the As4H+ potential energy surface. The geometries and the harmonic vibrational frequencies of the different species investigated were obtained through the use of all-electron MP2(full) and B3LYP methods using 6-311G(d) basis expansions. Final energies were obtained in G2(MP2) and B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p) calculations. The global minimum is the result of the side protonation of As4 tetrahedral molecule. The corner-protonated species is significantly less (∼23 kcal/mol) stable, while the face-protonated form is a second-order saddle point. The open structure 5 resulting from the fission of two As–As bonds lies 18 kcal/mol above the global minimum. In the global minimum the proton is covalently attached to two As atoms through the formation of a three-center delocalized bonding orbital. The relative stability of this “nonclassical” structure is enhanced with respect to that of the homologous P4H+ system, indicating that the heavier elements prefer divalent arrangements. As a consequence, the As4 cluster is predicted to be about 8 kcal/mol more basic than P4 tetramer in the gas phase. The harmonic vibrational frequencies of the As4H+ side-protonated species is consistent with the existence of the three-center As–H–As covalent bond.

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